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Free Shipping Commercial Four or Six Door Vertical Refrigerator Stainless Steel Refrigeration Fresh keeping Freezer Vegetable Fresh keeping Cabinet Large Capacity Freezer
Shipped from overseas, By Air: 10-15 days;By Ship :30-40 days.

Shipped from overseas, By Air: 10-15 days;By Ship :30-40 days.

  •   Retail Price:
  • Logistics:

    Freight is not included in product price. Please set order and ask the seller to modify freight in your order. You may also contact the seller to get the exact freight in advance.
  • Specifications:

    (Deluxe) Four-door all-refrigerated special price
    (luxury) four full frozen
    (Deluxe) Four doors refrigerated and frozen
    (Luxury) Four-door upper and lower refrigerated
    (Luxury) Large double-door fully refrigerated glass door
    (Luxury) Four-door upper refrigeration glass door lower refrigeration
    (Deluxe) six full refrigerated
    (Deluxe) six full frozen
    (Deluxe) Six doors refrigerated and frozen
    (Deluxe) Six-door upper and lower refrigerated
    (Luxury) Big three-door fully refrigerated glass door
    (luxury model) six refrigerated glass door under the door
    (energy-saving) four full refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy saving
    (Energy-saving) Four-door full-freezing intelligent temperature control energy-saving
    (Energy-saving) Four-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving and power-saving
    (Energy-saving) Four-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving
    (Energy saving) large double door full refrigerated glass door intelligent temperature control energy saving
    (Energy saving) Four doors on the cold glass door under the freezing intelligent temperature control energy saving
    (Energy saving) six full refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy saving
    (Energy-saving) six full frozen intelligent temperature control energy saving
    (Energy-saving) Six-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving and power-saving
    (Energy-saving) Six-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving and power-saving
    (Energy saving) big three full refrigerated glass door intelligent temperature control energy saving
    (Energy-saving) Six-door upper refrigeration glass door lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy saving
    (Hotel Project) Four-door fully refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf
    (Hotel project fund) four-door fully frozen LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf
    (Hotel project fund) Four-door upper and lower refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf
    (Hotel project fund) six-door fully refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf
    (Hotel project fund) six-door full-frozen LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf
    (Hotel Project) Six-door upper and lower refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf
  • Quantity:



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Model :
Kind : Refrigerated cabinet,Other,(Deluxe) Four-door all-refrigerated special price,(luxury) four full frozen,(Deluxe) Four doors refrigerated and frozen,(Luxury) Four-door upper and lower refrigerated,(Luxury) Large double-door fully refrigerated glass door,(Luxury) Four-door upper refrigeration glass door lower refrigeration,(Deluxe) six full refrigerated,(Deluxe) six full frozen,(Deluxe) Six doors refrigerated and frozen,(Deluxe) Six-door upper and lower refrigerated,(Luxury) Big three-door fully refrigerated glass door,(luxury model) six refrigerated glass door under the door,(energy-saving) four full refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy saving,(Energy-saving) Four-door full-freezing intelligent temperature control energy-saving,(Energy-saving) Four-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving and power-saving,(Energy-saving) Four-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving,(Energy saving) large double door full refrigerated glass door intelligent temperature control energy saving,(Energy saving) Four doors on the cold glass door under the freezing intelligent temperature control energy saving,(Energy saving) six full refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy saving,(Energy-saving) six full frozen intelligent temperature control energy saving,(Energy-saving) Six-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving and power-saving,(Energy-saving) Six-door upper and lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy-saving and power-saving,(Energy saving) big three full refrigerated glass door intelligent temperature control energy saving,(Energy-saving) Six-door upper refrigeration glass door lower refrigeration intelligent temperature control energy saving,(Hotel Project) Four-door fully refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,(Hotel project fund) four-door fully frozen LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,(Hotel project fund) Four-door upper and lower refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,(Hotel project fund) Four-door upper and lower refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,(Hotel project fund) six-door fully refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,(Hotel project fund) six-door full-frozen LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,(Hotel Project) Six-door upper and lower refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,(Hotel Project) Six-door upper and lower refrigerated LCD temperature-controlled automatic rebound door all-steel shelf,Factory direct quality assurance,Food,Entrepreneurship



*购前必读*  收藏加购,优先发出! 整体发泡,全部铜管

1  购买后,放置6小时左右再通电,通电后空箱运行2-3小时左右再往里放东西。

2 背部建议距离墙10CM以上便于散热。

3 内部白色器具、卡扣等属于赠品,无质保,不在质保范围内。

4 冰箱门子缝隙处,因冰箱内部温度低,外界温度高,所以产生水珠,可及时擦去,聚集多了可能会滴水,属于正常现象,有水珠及时擦去就可以,正常情况不属于售后问题,请悉知

5 购买后一定要先验货确定没问题了再签字!有问题直接拒收,拍照再联系我们!签收默认商品完好,磕碰不赔!并且外观破损,影响二次销售不支持退换,请理解。小磕碰,小瑕疵,痕迹,漏泡沫等不属于质量问题,介意慎拍。签字后如果退货,运费买家承担!


6 因商品比较大,小区送到小区门口,商场送到楼下,有步行街的送到方便停车地方,乡镇或者农村需物流点自提。因限高无法送到指定地点的,请自己想办法取货。不上楼,不下楼。 大件货物不提供卸货、进屋入户、上楼下楼等服务,如果产品较大件(大件商品至少2-4人卸货)配送师傅仅司机一人,无法完成单独卸货,请买家提前联系他人协同卸货;



9 注意:新疆、西藏不发货,需要购买请提前联系客服


*购前必读*  收藏加购,优先发出!

  1  购买后,放置6小时左右再通电,通电后空箱运行2-3小时左右再往里放东西。

  2 背部建议距离墙10CM以上便于散热。

  3 全冷藏建议2-5档,双温与冷冻建议6.5档,7档尽量不要用。

  4 购买后一定要先验货,确定没问题了再签字!有问题直接拒收,拍照后再联系我们!签收默认商品完好,磕碰不赔,并且外观破损,影响二次销售,不支持退换,请理解。当您收到货物后,有问题请及时联系我们,确认商品无质量问题,商品问题再签字。


  5 冰块,冰激凌,肉馅水饺等以下物品需要本品不能用,需要联系客服定做-20度产品,肉馅,肉类,冰激凌,慕斯,奶油制品,面,盐 老汤 酱油,需要定制-26度的 ,猪牛羊肉需要定制-26度的柜子。(本品冷冻能到零下-8度至-13度左右,请根据产品要求合理下单或定制购买)术业有专攻,产品要用对。定做产品,不支持任何原因退换货!(除非使用有问题)

  6 本品支持全国联保,并且可以提供上门维修服务!

  7 因商品比较大,小区送到小区门口,商场送到楼下,有步行街的送到方便停车地方,乡镇或者农村需要物流点自提。因限高无法送到指定地点的,请自己想办法取货。不上楼,不下楼。


8 如过是定做异形或者定做低温款的,除非质量问题,其他问题一概不退不换!如果因其他问题坚持退货,需扣除定做费用与其他原因产生损失(如破损等问题),退货运费自理!

9 外观不定时更新新款,具体以收到实物为准

10 注意:新疆、西藏不发货,需要购买请提前联系客服

Shipped from overseas, By Air: 10-15 days;By Ship :30-40 days.

Shipped from overseas, By Air: 10-15 days;By Ship :30-40 days.

Amanbo Purchasing Center

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